
Seminar II "Lämmastikuringe ja veekogude majandamine"

Algus kell: 13:00
Lõpp kell: 17:00

Kreutzwaldi 5-D143

Dr Mark McCarthy (USA, Wright State University) peab loengu teemal "Sediment-water interface nitrogen removal pathways in eutrophic, large lakes Taihu and Erie: implications for nitrogen budgets and cyanobacteria blooms". 

Dr Silvia Newell (USA, Wright State University) peab loengu teemal "Nitrogen loading from watersheds and cycling in the water column of eutrophic, large lakes Taihu and Erie: competitive dynamics for ammonium between nitrifiers and cyanobacteria".

Professor Erik Jeppesen (Taani, Aarhus University, EMÜ audoktor) peab loengu teemal "Greenland lakes – effects of fish, seabirds and lake age".