Every kilometer counts!

"Every Kilometre Counts!" the Statute 

1. This statute provides for the Estonian University of Life Sciences movement competition "Every Kilometre Counts!" (hereinafter competition) the principles and organisational bases for the announcement, conduct and award of awards. 

2. The competition was created with the aim of promoting walking and cycling on the campus of the university, in the city of Tartu and elsewhere. Athletic kilometres are also taken into account. 

3. The competition runs from 01.09.2024 to 13.10.2024. 

4. All employees and students of the Estonian University of Life Sciences who have registered themselves in the mobile application YuMuuv with their names and surnames and joined the challenge of the University of Life Sciences can participate in the competition.  

5. Participation takes place on an individual basis. In order to qualify among the participants between whom the prizes of the competition are drawn, a distance of at least 75 km must be completed within the range of the movement contest.  

6. Upon registration, the employee/student shall choose the structural unit where he or she works/students and upon disclosure of the results, the most athletic structural unit shall be chosen in addition to the individual performance.  

7. The competition is organised by the personnel department of the Estonian University of Life Sciences. Organisers have the right to make changes to the statute and organisation of the competition.  

8. The competition is based on honesty. 

9. The organiser of the competition has the right to carry out random checks and to ask the participants to share screenshots of the kilometres travelled. 


  1. Register user - Once you have received a specific code from your employer (EMU-22), you can self-register in the YuMuuv App. You must enter company code, e-mail and password, and then press the Sign up button. 

  1. Connecting the device - Here you have to select the interface according to your own device. If you are using an activity monitor that is not listed, you will need to make the interface according to your phone software (if you have any problems connecting the device or you should contact directly to customer support info@yumuuv.com). 

  1. User interface - You are now registered in the Yumuuv application. Next, the data that can be directly obtained from the application is automatically displayed. Any blank cell must be completed manually. If your company has an added groups and countries to it, you can choose them during the onboarding. Only your name (+ group and country if chosen) is visible to others, all personal data is just available for yourself and to YuMuuv for activity formula calculations. 

  1. Activity overview - On the Activity page you see the goal, period and prize of the challenge. The goal can be in either the steps (only steps taken into account) or the activity formula (minutes, steps, and calories taken into account), depending on the choice made by the employer. When you reach the goal, you achieve the benefit offered by the employer. In addition to your own progress, you see how you interact with colleagues and how well you are on course to achieve the goal by the end of the period. By clicking on the success rates of the people on the list, you can see their parameters and results in more detail. 

  1. Joining challenges - To join with the challenge, go to “Activity” and tap “Join”. If you want to leave the challenge, click on the button and choose “Leave goal”. 

  1. Filtering - Also on the Activity page you can filter ranking table using a special filter button. It is possible to filter users by their Department and Country. Under every challenge, there is also a chat, where you can share moments and emotions with participants, who have joined with that challenge. 

  1. Goals - On the Activity page, you will see the progress of your current goal as well as the goals that you previously completed and participated in. 

  1. Personal progress – On the Personal progress  page, you will see the progress of your current goal as well as the goals that you previously completed and participated in. Also on this page you can change the period of visible results. 

  1. Statistics – In addition, YuMuuv have created a Statistics page where you can see some fun facts about physical activity in your company. 

  1. Your data – Under the Your Details page, you can change the language of the application or change your own profile data if it should change. The Update your details option gives you the opportunity to manually update your activity data if it is not automatically recieved. Under Service Provider you can identify and display which integration is connected and switch between them. You can also choose your groups and countries. These are displayed next to your name in the Ranking.


Feel free to contact us if you have any difficulties using the YuMuuv app! 

More detailed instructions with pictures can be found here.