Strategy of Eesti Maaülikool - Green University
No 1-5/6 of 26.10. 2017 in Tartu
The Green University Strategy of the Estonian University of Life Sciences (Eesti Maaülikool) until 2025
This sectoral strategy has been adopted pursuant to clause 26.1.4 of the Statutes of the Estonian University of Life Sciences and clause 5 of the Development Plan of the Estonian University of Life Sciences until 2025.
The Green University Strategy of the Estonian University of Life Sciences (Eesti Maaülikool) until 2025 is consistent with the vision and the mission of the University. The strategy builds on sustainable development, which can be defined as the long-term harmonious development of the social, economic, cultural and natural environment with a view to ensuring the high quality of life and a safe and clean living environment both today and in the future.
The Estonian University of Life Sciences is responsible for research and development activities in the areas related to the sustainable use of natural resources, and the development of rural life and rural economy. The University aims to develop into an organisation supporting its core activities and to ensure its members a contemporary and attractive learning and working environment.
In its research, development and teaching activities the Estonian University of Life Sciences as a Green University focuses on the following areas supporting sustainable development:
- environmentally friendly and energy-conscious operations;
- healthy and safe food;
- sustainable use of terrestrial and aquatic environmental resources;
- protection of biodiversity, semi-natural communities and heritage/traditional landscapes;
- methods and principles of sustainable living environment planning;
- ecological building technologies and materials;
- environmental economics;
- environmentally friendly waste management;
- sustainability awareness and education.
The principles and lines of action of Green University:
The objectives of Green University are in compliance with the Development Plan of the Estonian University of Life Sciences until 2025.
1. Research and development
Objective: Promote sustainable development through research and development.
- Research and development activities related to environment and sustainable development;
- Cooperation with the private and public sector.
Expected outcomes: EMÜ is the centre of excellence for sustainable development.
- Number of research and development projects in the fields of green university and their financial volume.
2. Teaching
Objective: Integrate the principles of sustainable development into teaching and learning outcomes.
- Teaching and developing the specialities related to the sustainable use of natural resources and sustainable development;
- Teaching and developing courses related to the sustainable use of natural resources and sustainable development in all curricula;
- Launching and conducting practical and cross-sectoral projects focusing on the issues of sustainable development.
Expected outcomes: Highly-valued university education and graduates that are in demand on the labour market and who understand the relevance of sustainable development and can apply these principles in their professional life.
- Number of graduates in the specialities related to the sustainable use of natural resources and sustainable development across the curricula;
- Student feedback on the courses concentrating on sustainable development (courses selected by students);
- Number of Master's theses related to the focus areas of Green University;
- Number of doctoral theses related to the focus areas of Green University;
- Graduates’ assessment of increased sustainability awareness upon graduation.
3. Members of the University Community
Objective: Raise the University members’ awareness of the principles of Green University.
- Systematic training of the students and staff in the areas of sustainable development so that they would be motivated to practice the principles of sustainability in their day-to-day life;
- More active involvement of the University members in the implementation of new initiatives and in-house projects;
- Recognition of active students and staff.
Expected outcomes: Evolving and motivated University community following the principles of sustainable development.
- Number of events and participants involved in sustainable development per year;
- Number of members in the student associations in the focus areas of Green University.
4. University reputation and its contribution to society
Objective: Increase environmental awareness of society and contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals.
- Serve as an example and disseminate knowledge about sustainable development;
- Mediate the results of research and development activities related to sustainable development;
- Increase environmental awareness and promote cooperation with enterprises.
Expected outcomes: Knowledge and experience of the sustainability efforts of the University are communicated to society and put into practice, environmentally responsible behaviour has improved.
- Number of events and participants involved in sustainability-related activities organised by the students;
- Major public events and number of participants in the sustainability-related activities organised by the structural units of the University;
- Number of participants and number of courses organized in the focus area of Green University;
- Information materials and popular science articles published in the focus areas of Green University (topics, number of copies);
- Visibility of the Green University image in the University reputation research.
5. Organization - a contemporary learning and working environment
Objective: Create a healthy and attractive learning, working and recreation environment in keeping with principles of reducing the ecological footprint.
- Engage with the Tartu City Government in increasing the connectivity of the Tähtvere campus to the other part of Tartu with a view to facilitate environmentally-friendly means of traffic;
- Develop campus infrastructure and green areas, taking into account the needs of the University community and the green principles of the University;
- Develop and introduce environmentally friendly campus management plans (including waste management plan, green area maintenance plan, guidelines for green procurement, etc.).
Expected outcomes: The environment-friendly management principles introduced in Tähtvere campus contribute to the reduction of the ecological footprint of the University.
- Electricity and heat consumption in Tähtvere campus, MWh/a;
- Fuel consumption of University cars, litres/ year, (based on fuel cards);
- Water consumption in the campus, m3/ year;
- Waste generation in the campus and the disposal of wastes, including recovery method, tons/ year;
- Paper consumption at the University, pages/ year;
- Campus car parking occupancy rate, (number of parking spots, occupancy rate, University average);
- Campus bicycle parking occupancy rate, (number of parking spots, occupancy rate, University average);
- Occupancy rate of lecture halls /study laboratories per day on average (h, based on ÕIS);
- Proportion of green procurements from all procurements;
- Compliance of the working environment with the standards.
1 Public Procurement Act (RT I 2007, 15, 76). § 3, paragraph 6.
Implementation of the strategy
In compliance with the Development Plan of the University and the Green University Strategy, the Green University working group formed by the order of the Rector of the University, will draw up an Action Plan for the whole year, which lists the actions at the University and Institute levels and appoints the persons responsible for the activities. The Council of the University monitors the attainment of the objectives of the Green University strategy together with checking the realization of the Action Plan to the Development Plan of the University at least once a year.
Vice-Rector of Research coordinates the achievement of the objectives set in the Strategy. The implementation of the Green University Strategy is discussed at the University Council at least once every two years.
6. Provisions for the implementation of the Strategy
6.1. The order of the Estonian University of Life Sciences of 24.03.2011, No 2 "Green University Strategy of Eesti Maaülikool until 2015" is hereby repealed.
6.2. This Regulation shall enter into force upon the date of its notification.