
Veterinary medicine studies at the Estonian University of Life Sciences received international recognition last week

Last week the EAEVE (the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education) entered Eesti Maaülikool (EMU, the Estonian University of Life Sciences) in Tartu officially on the list of visited and approved establishments. This means that veterinary medicine curricula meet the requirements set down in the study program for veterinary surgeons in European Union Directive 2005/36.

Being on the list of approved establishments is a sign of quality and places more trust in staff and student exchange and adds weight to the diploma. It helps to reinforce cooperation between member institutions, improve and harmonize veterinary education. «This achievement is the result of a tough battle and we have every right to be proud of it», said Mait Klaassen, the rector of the university.

The Republic of Estonia and the EMU have made big investments into the infrastructure and personnel of veterinary studies and modernized the veterinary curricula in accordance with the international requirements. The fact that not all the universities in Europe are able to fulfill the set requirements attributes even more importance to this achievement.

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