EMU ski marathon will take place on Saturday, February 5 2011 on the Tartu Marathon tracks. The organization committee comprises of Anne Luik, Sirje Vilbaste and Juhani Püttsepp.
Buses to the start area pick up the skiers from Kreutzwaldi 64 and take them back from the finish area to Tartu. It is possible to start from Kuutsemäe (31 km), Palu (16 km) and Hellenurme (9 km). There will be a service point in Hellenurme.
Please register on the following e-mail: juhani@emu.ee. Please note where you want to enter the bus and which track you are planning to ski. Jot down the number of the mobile phone you are planning to take along to the ski tracks. Your family members are also welcome to participate.
The participation fee is 3 EUR and it should be transferred on Juhani Püttsepp’s bank account 1100951867 by February 3.
Participation is on your own responsibility, so start training.
More specific information will follow at the end of January.