
The conference "7th Framework Program – looking into the future"

The conference «7th Framework Program – looking into the future» will take place on March 10th in Nordic Hotel Forum (Viru väljak 3).

The conference will summarize the achievements of FP7 so far and look into the future of the Framework Program. The speakers include research funding specialists from the European Commission as well as Estonia, Finland and Germany. The second part of the day is dedicated to research infrastructure and successful Estonian participation in the FP projects.

The working languages will be Estonian and English, with translation of Estonian presentations into English. There will be a bus for the people coming from Tartu.

Participation at the conference is free, previous registration is required. It can be done at the address

The conference is organised by Archimedes Foundation in co-operation with the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research.

More information: conference web-site