
Large Scale Landscape Design Teaching

The aim of the course is to:
- understand the specifics of large-scale landscape design
- differentiate the empirical, hermeneutical and the design approaches, assign each one to the different analyse questions
- become acquainted with the specific landscape structure elements and typologies on the large scale (design repertoire) and concerning the didactic requirements
- learn a for-step-strategy “design analyses - experimental analysis - discourse - concept design”
- abductive strategies to encourage creativity, ideas and conceptual consequence.

2. Schedule - themes and times

Monday 02-28

13:00  short introduction lecture (Schöbel)
13:30  discussion
14:00  introductions to the large scale approach (Schöbel, Czechowski)
14:45  evaluation
15:00  exercise: layer of analysis, elements and structures of a large scale design
            in 2 groups of 5-8 teachers

17:00  presentation

17:30  discussion: discourse on landscape development and design issues and aims in the exercise region

18:30  end of the day. home work: fix a design subject


Tuesday 03-01

09:30  presentation of design subjects (concept, central idea, keywords)

10:00  group work: design outlines

12:00  lunch break

12:45  short presentation of 2 selected design studies

13:15  discussion

13:30  group work: revision of concept, work through

15:00 coffee break

15.30  group work

17:00 end of the day. home work: finishing


Wednesday 03-02

09:00  lecture: large scale design examples and perspectives in teaching and research (Schöbel, Czechowski)

10:00 presentation and discussion of design concepts

11:45 final discussion and evaluation of the workshop

12:00 end of the course


3. How many ECTS?

preparatory work: 8h

course work: 16 h

home work: 4 h

workload: 30 h = 1 ECTS

More information: Kristel Ansaar,, 731 3233.