Committee of the Regions "Thesis competition"
The Committee of the Regions of the European Union (CoR) is organising an annual doctoral thesis competition on local and regional authorities in the European Union.
The purpose of the competition is to reward the best doctoral thesis focusing on the local and regional dimension of the EU. Those wishing to participate are requested to carefully read CoR Regulation 2/2010 on the conditions for admission to the competition, which entered into force this year.
The theses, to be submitted in duplicate (one paper copy and one electronic version), must be written in one of the EU's official languages. They must be accompanied by:
- an abstract setting out the main arguments of the thesis (maximum 3 pages), written in English or French;
- a curriculum vitae in English or French; and
- a certificate confirming that the doctorate has been awarded.
The winner of the first prize will receive EUR 6 000. The selection board may also award up to four merit prizes of EUR 2 000, as well as certificates for excellence. Applications are to be sent to the following address:
Committee of the Regions, Directorate for Consultative Work,
Unit for Studies and Legislative Programming (VMA 833),
101 rue Belliard,
B–1040 Brussels.
Download the Thesis competition poster 2011 (pdf).
Closing date for applications: 16 May 2011. Envelopes containing applications must be postmarked this date at the latest.