
Mycologist from the EMU elected an Honorary Member of the European Mycological Association

Senior Research Fellow from the Estonian University of Life Sciences was elected an Honorary Member of the European Mycological Association (EMA) by the General Meeting at the XVI Congress of European Mycologists (XVI CEM), held in Greece on September 19-23 2011, thus recognizing his expertise and long-term contribution to mycological research.

"This is the recognition of the work of all Estonian mycologists, not only me", said Erast Parmasto.  Erast Parmasto is a go-author of the article "A higher-level phylogenetic classification of the fungi" published in Mycological Research in 2007. This has proved to be one of the most cited and downloaded articles in this leading mycological journal.
Parmasto’s contribution to Estonian mycology is essential. In 1989 he organized the 10th EMA Conference in Estonia, which the participants remember extremely well for it took place at the same time with the Baltic Way or the Chain of Freedom. 245 people from 20 countries took part in this Congress.
Erast Parmasto has studied taxonomy, phylogenesis, ecology and systematics of fungi and published more than 150 papers and 200 articles during his academic career. His works are commonly used in popular scientific and academic journals in Estonia.