
Book release "The Estonian Green Belt"

The 3rd Baltic Green Belt forum "Heritage at the Green Belt" that took place in Tallinn on October 4-6 2011, celebrated the release of "The Estonian Green Belt". The book concentrates on the military heritage in Estonia, as well as on the natural and cultural heritage conservation and development. The book was compiled by Prof. Kalev Sepp, a geographer and head of the Department of Landscape Ecology and Nature Conservation of the Estonian University of Life Sciences. Jüri Pärn, Anto Raukas, Argo Peepson and Luule Lõhmus have all contributed chapters for the book.

The book makes it easier to understand the scope and essence of the Soviet military forces in Estonia. The book is meant for foreigners and local younger generation who do not have personal memories of the Soviet occupation. The book is in English.

The 3rd Baltic Green Belt forum brought together experts from nature conservation, tourism, regional development and other backgrounds related to the conservation and sustainability of the former restricted border regions of the Iron Curtain with a special focus on the Baltic Sea coast. The forum encompassed aspects of both natural and cultural heritage conservation and development and presents results from the Baltic Green Belt project.

For more information on the book and Estonian Green Belt contact Henri Järv or see