
Veterinary Medicine Catches E-Health Trend

Paralleling technology developments in human medicine, the University of Life Sciences veterinary clinic in Tartu has been developing a digital case history interface for animal patients.

The country's premier agricultural university finished the first phase of the project in October, and six months after launch, the system is ready for practical use.

The development, with Webmedia as the private sector partner, aims to improve possibilities for veterinarians to exchange information and make treatment more efficient.

As of now, digitized X-rays and patient-based sharing can be taken online.

In the longer term, it will be possible for livestock (and pet) owners to view all of the health information for that animal online, streamlining things for people who move to a new city or new vet as well as in the case of specialist referrals.

Gradually the system will be rolled out at clinics nationwide.


Source: ERR