
Pere starts a cooperative project with EMÜ

The Estonian University of Life Sciences and one of the biggest Estonian food producers, Pere, signed a bilateral agreement on November 17, which sets the basis for the Pere product development section to consult the scientists of the univeristy, and Pere in their turn will be offering the students of EMÜ spots for internship and jobs.

According to the EMÜ vice-rector of research, Anne Luik, it's the duty of the university to assist its students in finding jobs and starting a professional career.  "Our greater wish is to bring science closer together with technology and production, and to make sure science is in accordance with the expectations and needs of the market," she commented. 

The contract of cooperation includes supporting the research of food technology students, organising lectures, compiling study materials and doing research. For more concrete projects, additional contracts will be signed.

The EMÜ side of the contract is the Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences and the the Department of Food Science and Technology.