Medical A.R.T. seminar. Challenges for Today: Assisted Reproduction Technologies
A multidisciplinary seminar on “Assisted Reproduction Technologies” (A.R.T.) is organized in Tallinn, Estonia. It is open to everyone (open university): students, young researchers, medical doctors, veterinarians, industry, press, lawyers, policy and decision-makers, etc… all those interested in the vast aspects of A.R.T. The proposed seminar is considered as a pilot project in accordance to the “One Health Concept”, a cross-sectoral approach for collaborations in all aspects of health care for humans, animals and the environment, and for stimulation of multidisciplinary research that serves mankind.
The first objective of the seminar is to inform the audience on modern reproduction techniques. Top experts and specialists in human and animal reproduction will highlight the actual knowledge on A.R.T. Also its social and ethical implications will be highlighted. The seminar offers a unique opportunity to receive expert answers on facts and myths on all aspects of A.R.T.
Public debate
The second objective of the seminar is to stimulate an open public debate (forum) on new tendencies in scientific research and its potential applications in humans and animals. Audience members will discuss a topic of choice with the panelists. Every question from the public is welcome (open university). During this open debate the audience can voice opinions and asking questions on today’s A.R.T. hottest issues. We will welcome any questions and ideas from the audience.
Open & web-based technology
The third objective of the seminar is to stimulate “open & web-based technology”. The seminar is supported by the UGent Open Webslides initiative. Using this new technology we aim to disseminate views on the future of A.R.T. to a wider audience, both within and outside of the current seminar. In addition we foster a dialogue with the speakers and will welcome any questions and ideas from the audience via our online platform. The seminar targets a broad interactive public and is open to everyone interested in “the diverse aspects” of A.R.T.
Freddy Mortier (vice-rector), Ann Van Soom, Petra De Sutter, Geert Opsomer, Bjorn Heindryckx, Esther De Loof, Christian Burvenich (Ghent University) Belgium
Ülle Jaakma (vice-rector of research at EMÜ), Andres Salumets, Sulev Kõks, Marilin Ivask University of Tartu and Estonian University of Life Sciences (Eesti Maaülikool, EMÜ), Estonia
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