Graduation ceremonies begin at the Estonian University of Life Sciences
The most festive period of the year at the Estonian University of Life Sciences has arrived. Young professionals get their diplomas and go to the labor market where they are most welcome.
All the ceremonies take place in the main building hall, Kreutzwaldi 1a. The ceremony of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry will begin on Friday, 7 June at 12.00. A total of 78 young specialists will complete the Institute. There are nine graduates in bachelor's degree studies in animal husbandry. There are 14 bachelor graduates in food technology, two of whom graduate with cum laude. Three Master's degrees are awarded in the specialty. 32 students in English and 20 students in English will complete the curriculum in veterinary medicine.
The graduation certificate of the Institute of Technology and Tartu Technical College is on Wednesday, 12 June at 12. The Economic and Social Institute honors its graduates on Thursday, 13 June at 12. The Agricultural and Environmental Institute has two ceremonies. On Tuesday, June 18, at 11, graduates of the Institute will complete their undergraduate studies. At 14 the same day, the Master's Degree will begin. The final thesis of the Institute of Forestry and Rural Construction will take place on Wednesday, 19 June at 12.
Video broadcasting of actions can be viewed on the homepage of the University of Life Sciences The transfer of the items can also be observed in the lobby, the auditorium 104, the manor house hall and the main building's café.