Limnologists start an international cooperation project
The turn of the year also brought a new project to Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU) – TREICLAKE. This is a European Union financed Twinning project, aimed to improve the capability of Estonian aquatic ecologists. Two internationally acclaimed research centres are helping to achieve this goal: Aarhus University and University of Jyväskylä. Kick-off meeting of the project will be held in web, January 25-26, 2021.
Within the field of aquatic ecology, the Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU) through the Chair of Hydrobiology and Fishery and Centre for Limnology (CL) has steadily improved its ability to describe the ecological processes in Estonian lakes. However, in order to reach the next level in terms of scientific excellence and broader impact within the scientific community, it must move beyond just describing ecological processes in the regional scale. Application of more innovative and advanced methods of experimentation as well as sound experienced guidance for data analysis, scientific writing and presentation would lead CL researchers to be able to develop new paradigms for freshwater ecosystems.
Through this cooperation and knowledge exchange, EMU will greatly improve its use of existing research methods as well as develop cutting-edge new approaches that will help EMU to make significant contributions to our understanding of lake ecology and its effects on the environment. The collaboration will also help EMU translate scientific expertise into a greater impact in the international scientific community via publishing of articles and participation in conferences and international projects. We aim to improve the education provided to students at all three levels (BSc, MSc, PhD) within EMU by offering new courses and opportunities to study with partner institutions. TREICLAKE will also help EMU to disseminate and exploit research results to audiences beyond the scientific community. This includes policy makers, youth and the general public, to improve understanding of the importance of the topic, including the role that lakes can play in addressing climate change.