New issues of the journals of the Estonian Academy of Sciences have been published
In March, the new issues of the scientific journals Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Oil Shale, Linguistica Uralica and TRAMES were published. In the Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences you can find an article where the scientists of the Estonian University of Life Sciences (professor Tõnu Püssa and junior research fellow Linda Rusalepp) are co-authors of the article.
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences
In 2021, the journal Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences has reached an important milestone – 70 years since the first issue of the scientific journal was published. The first volume of the Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences was published in 1952. Over the past decades the journal has gained an international reputation thanks to the support of the scientific community, dedication of editors, and skills of the technical staff of the Estonian Academy Publishers – as academicians Jaak Järv, the Editor-in-Chief of the journal, and Jüri Engelbrecht, a member of the Editorial Board, emphasize in the opening remarks.
Today the Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences is abstracted/indexed in the most important databases, including Web of Science and Scopus, and listed in DOAJ.This year's opening issue contains 10 articles by 26 Estonian and 16 foreign researchers. Eight scientific fields are represented. The journal is published quarterly in collaboration with the University of Tartu, Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), Tallinn University, and the Estonian University of Life Sciences. The full texts of the articles can be found HERE.
Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences
The 70th volume of the Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences is published this year. In the first issue of the anniversary volume the history of the journal is briefly outlined. The four regular research papers focus on bedrock geochemistry, palaeontology, and stratigraphy of the Baltic region. The full texts of the articles can be found HERE.
Oil Shale
In the new issue, we find an interesting article "Carbon dioxide sequestration in power plant Ca-rich ash waste deposits" as a joint work of researchers of TalTech and the University of Tartu. The article focuses on the CO2 sequestration capacity of shale ash. In order to achieve future goals of carbon neutrality and climate, different options for CO2 capture are being explored. In addition, the new issue contains an article on how a mobile scanning tool can be used to measure an oil shale mine. We also gain new knowledge about Nigerian oil shale and the kinetics of pyrolysis of different oil shale materials.The full texts of the articles can be found HERE.
Linguistica Uralica
The March 2020 issue of Linguistica Uralica features an article by the young Moscow-based linguist Nikita Murav’ev who investigates simultaneity constructions in Kazym Khanty, in particular the differences in meaning and function between two non-finite constructions. The full texts of the articles can be found HERE.
TRAMES. A Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences
The first issue of Trames 2021 opens with an article by David Ramiro Troitiño and Tanel Kerikmäe (TalTech) about the relations between Catalonia, the European Union and Spain, focusing on European nationalism, integration and disintegration.
This is followed by an article by Merle Taimalu et al. (University of Tartu and the University of Eastern Finland) about the reasons why people choose the profession of a teacher. The authors compare the motivation factors of Estonian and Finnish students' career choices. The full texts of the seven articles can be found HERE.
Additional information
The Estonian Academy Publishers is issuing altogether seven open access scientific journals: in addition to the five mentioned above, there are also Estonian Journal of Archaeology and Acta Historica Tallinnensia. All journals have an international Editorial Board.