A new book predicts the future of the food sector
Book editor Rajeev Bhat (in the middle), vice-rector of research Ülle Jaakma (right) and director of Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences Toomas Tiirats (left) discovering the book.
Rajeev Bhat's new book (Ed.) 'Future Foods: Global Trends, Opportunities, and Sustainability Challenges' (ISBN: 9780323910019) was released by Ülle Jaakma (Vice-Rector for Research) and Toomas Tiirats (Director, Institute of Veterinary Medicine & Animal Sciences), Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu on December 21, 2021. The book is published by the prestigious Elsevier Sciences publisher (Academic Press, UK).
After receiving the first copy of the book, Ülle Jaakma congratulated and expressed her gratitude to Rajeev (Professor & Chair holder, ERA-Chair in Valortech) for this outstanding contribution to the University and to the entire global scientific community. She opined that adopting novel technologies are welcome, but limiting the negative environmental impacts are also of high importance to the consumers and society. Ülle indicated that the innovative approaches projected in this book can help to overcome various sustainability challenges the entire global agri-food sector is facing today and be prepared for the challenges the future will bring along.
Speaking on the occasion, Toomas Tiirats expressed immense happiness and congratulated Rajeev for his exceptional contribution. He mentioned that this book is the second masterpiece delivered by Rajeev to the University in the current year 2021. Toomas felt that this book was timely, especially when the entire agri-food sector is undergoing rapid transformations.
Rajeev briefed on the contents and indicated that this book was planned with an inventive interdisciplinary approach to feature the present-day trends and existing opportunities, and thereby provide an overview of various sustainability challenges being experienced along the entire agri-food supply chain. This book will not only help in developing a firm stage to ensure a sustainable future, but also aims to educate the consumers and society. Further, with the independent themes covered, the book delivers updated information's on the current trends, technological innovations and transformations that are envisaged to have a considerable influence on the future of the entire agri-food sector (say 20 - 30 years down the line).
With various interesting topics covered, it is expected that this book will benefit a wide range of audiences including agri-food scientists/technologists, industry personnel, biochemists, biotechnologists, environmental scientists, bio-entrepreneurs, policymakers, governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as consumers. Besides, the book can also serve as readily assessable reference material for teaching.