NOBALIS invites students and staff to participate in the start-up development programme
The European Institute of Technology (EIT) funded project NOBALIS (Nordic Baltic Universities boosting entrepreneurial and innovation support systems) aims to improve institutional entrepreneurial and innovation capacity through integration of innovation and entrepreneurship as part of daily routines in all parts of the activities the organization, and to leverage the integration of higher education institutions and their contribution to the innovation ecosystem through improved collaboration with the knowledge triangle stakeholders.
The project’s Entrepreneurship and Innovation Capacity Development Program offers opportunity for start-up development through food and bioresource Hackathon, mentorship and start-up competition.
Project background
Project NOBALIS kicked-off in summer 2022. Project is financed by the European Union through EIT HEI Initiative: Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education (second call) and is coordinated by the EIT Raw Materials. EIT HEI Initiative is one of the key parts of the new strategy of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology.
as part of its new strategy. The initiative aims to support higher education institutions (HEIs) with expertise and coaching, access to the EIT innovation ecosystem, and funding, enabling them to develop innovation action plans complementing the needs of individual HEIs. The project NOBALIS is implemented by a consortium of seven Nordic and Baltic organisations. The partners are Norwegian University of Life Sciences (leader), Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Linnaeus University, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Ard Innovation and Baltic Innovation Agency.
Project implementation
Project is divided into two phases: Phase 1 from July – December 2022 (300 000 €) and Phase 2 from January 2023 to June 2024 (900 000 €). In Phase 1 in the fall of 2022 following activities will be carried out: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Capacity Development Program for students and staff, including the development of start-ups and mentor support; mapping of entrepreneurship and innovation courses, support for curricula and tools development; mapping of support structures, practices and policies related to innovation and partnership activities, development of an idea bank.
Start-up idea development programme
Students, academic and non-academic staff are invited to participate in the start-up idea development programme in the fall. It starts with a food and bioresource focused virtual Hackathon on September 26th. Both students and staff are welcomed. Registration is open until September 15th HERE . The Hackathon is followed by three intensive development days (Oct. 20th, Nov.10th, Dec. 1st). Everyone, who is interested, but do not have an idea or how do not have a team, pealse contact or come to a meeting on Sept. 13th at 17:15 Kreutzwaldi 1a- 0015. Staff members, who have ideas that could be used by student teams, also please contact
Researcher Anne Põder, Dr
Chair of Rural Economics