EMÜ coordinates the development of green competences in the fields of forestry and agriculture, animal husbandry, horticulture and fisheries
Rector Ülle Jaakma at the conference of Green Competences
Last week, the opening conference of the state-level green competences program "Future green competences - for whom and how?" took place at the Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMÜ) in Tartu. Conference launched activities to prepare the employees of Estonian companies with the necessary skills for the green transition.
The green competences program is guided by the Estonian Education and Youth Board and the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research. One of the main activities in the program is the development of curricula for higher education and vocational studies as well as in continuing education. Those curriculum groups where the green transition has the greatest impact were chosen and nine consortia were formed. Consortias bring together not only educational institutions in the field, but also entrepreneurs.
The coordinators of the consortia have been selected from among the higher education institutions taking into account the development activities so far and the number of study programs and students in these particular fields. The Estonian University of Life Sciences coordinates two consortia: forestry and agriculture, animal husbandry, horticulture and fisheries. EMÜ is also a member in several other consortia. New study modules and subjects will be created, which can also be used for further training.
At the same time, in cooperation with the Estonian Qualifications Authority, occupational quality standards are updated and green competences are integrated into occupational quality standards.
Within the program, employees of the companies are offered (micro-qualification and other) trainings to improve their knowledge and skills. Vocational and higher education teachers and lecturers and adult educators are also trained to teach green compenteces.
On November 21, the opening conference of the green competences program brought together almost 200 people from Estonian universities, vocational schools and companies. In addition to the presentations and discussions, the participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the examples of the EMÜ in the field of practical application of green skills during laboratory visits.