
Gallery: Students and staff danced in "Winter Wonderland"

On December 7, the students of the Estonian University of Life Sciences organized the first Christma...

International restoration objectives for terrestrial ecosystems for 2030 and beyond

Despite commitments made by countries, biodiversity has further declined globally over the past deca...

Participate in our anniversary ceremony

Estonian University of Life Sciences is thrilled to invite you to participate or monitor our anniver...

Estonian University of Life Sciences in charge of BOVA network

Estonian University of Life Sciences has belonged to the Baltic Forestry, Veterinary and Agricultura...

A new study: Inonotus obliquus conks growing on Alnus incana has remarkable properties

A study led by researchers of the Estonian University of Life Sciences demonstrated that Inonotus ob...

Combining unmanned aerial vehicles and a mesocosm experiment to unveil plant communities shifts under global change conditions in coastal meadows

On November 22nd starting at 11:15 doctoral student Thaisa Fernandes Bergamo will be ...

Ülle Jaakma will be the new rector of the Estonian University of Life Sciences

The election committee of the Estonian University of Life Sciences elected a new rector for the univ...

Rector candidates debated the future of the university

On October 24, the Estonian University of Life Sciences held a public debate for the rector's candid...

Meat alternatives: will this be the future or is it just a hype?

Prof. Rajeev Bhat's viewpoint on meat (protein) alternatives is published as an invited article ...