Admission to international programmes has started
This year, the Estonian University of Life Sciences will host foreign students in five international...
Gallery: We welcome exchange students from 14 countries in total
This spring semester the Estonian University of Life Sciences hosts 35 new exchange students from 14...
University's researchers article decorates the front page of the Journal Insects
The magazine Insects chose the discovery of the researchers of the Estonian University of Life Scien...
A new book predicts the future of the food sector
Rajeev Bhat's new book (Ed.) 'Future Foods: Global Trends, Opportunities, and Sustainability...
Effect of organic management methods on yield and quality of carrot and on weeds
On December 17th starting at 10:15 doctoral student Ingrid Bender will be def...
Directors of new institutes have been elected
Yesterday the two-day period for voting on the candidates for the directors of the institutes t...
Professor Ülo Niinemets once again became one of the most cited scientists in the world
The company Clarivate Analytics, which evaluates the contribution of the world's researchers, on...
Distribution of and damages by Dutch elm disease agents in Northeastern Europe
On November 11th starting at 10:00 doctoral student Liina Jürisoo will be def...
Watch our anniversary ceremony
Estonian University of Life Sciences is thrilled to invite you to monitor our anniversary ceremony o...
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