
EMU Department of Landscape Architecture has moved house

EMU Department of Landscape Architecture is now situated at a brand new space at Kreutzwaldi 58a ...

Presentation of MACSQuant flow cytometer

The live action demonstration of the MACSQuant flow cytometer is coming on November 18 at A209, Zoomeedikum (Kreutzwaldi 62) from 10:00 - 15:00.  

Book release "The Estonian Green Belt"

The 3rd Baltic Green Belt forum "Heritage at the Green Belt" that took place in Tallinn...

Mycologist from the EMU elected an Honorary Member of the European Mycological Association

Senior Research Fellow from the Estonian University of Life Sciences was elected an Honorary Member of the European Mycological Association (EMA) by the General Meeting at the XVI Congress of European Mycologists (XVI CEM), held in Greece on September 19-23 2011, thus recognizing his expertise and long-term contribution to mycological research.

Photo Competition "Notice autumn at the Estonian University of Life Sciences"

Students and employees are asked to submit photos that depict autumn and its arrival at the EMU c...

Cultural Foundation of the President of the Republic to announce a competition for the Young Scientist Award

Young Estonian scientists who are younger than 35 years, are conducting research at an Estonian or foreign college, university or research institution, and who have already completed their doctorate may apply for an award granted by the Cultural Foundation of the President of the Republic in the amount of 4,793 euro. The Young Scientist Award is sponsored by Väino Kaldoja.

Two EMU PhD students get a 4800 EUR scholarship from the State Forest Management Centre (RMK)

In order to support forest education and research the State Forest Management Centre launched Endel Laas Scholarship and awarded two 4800- euro yearly grants to two PhD students of the Estonian University of Life Sciences —  PhD students Argo Strantsov and Ando Lilleleht.

Researchers’ Night 2011

This year the Researchers’ night takes place on the 23rd of September in over 800 venues of  320 European cities in 32 countries. During the night everyone, regardless of his/her age and scientific background, can explore the mysterious world of science: visit the facilities that are usually not open to public, use the most recent technologies and instruments, participate in experiments and simulations, etc. In Estonian, the Researchers’ Night is organized by AHHAA Science Centre, Estonian Academy of Sciences and Estonian Public Broadcasting.