
Baltic Agronomy Forum at EMU

The 18th Biennial Baltic Agronomy Forum is taking place at the Estonia University of Life Sciences from June 30th until July 1st. The forum is organized by the department of Field Crop and Grassland Husbandry and it is carrying on the tradition from year 1973. Scientist working on agronomy or related fields from the Estonian University of Life Sciences, the Latvia University of Agriculture, the Lithuanian University of Agriculture and the Institute of Agriculture of Lithuanian Research Center for Agriculture and Forestry are participating at the forum.

Photo competition for international students and staff

We are inviting all foreign students and researches of EMÜ to take part in the photo competition „Life in Life Sciences in Estonia“ What has surprised you in Estonia? What has impressed you the most? What do you especially like about Estonia and our university? What are the interesting things in your studies/research that you have done in Estonia?

Graduation ceremonies at EMU

Institute of Technology at 12.00 on June 8; Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences at 12:00 on June 10; Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering (Bachelor) at 11:00 on June 16; Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering (Master) at 15:00 on June 16; Institute of Economics and Social Sciences at 12:00 on June 17; Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (Bachelor) at 11:00 on June 21; Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (Master) at 15:00 on June 21. Graduation ceremonies will take place in assembly hall, Kreutzwaldi 64.

The first event of International Club

I'm glad to announce that the first event of International Club will take place on 25th of May at 15.00 in MicroDairy (Kreutzwaldi 64). Let's meet five minutes before 15.00 in lobby of Kreutzwaldi 64.  After the tour in MicroDairy we all go to downtown to discover old part of the Tartu. Also, please send this information to your friends and colleagues!  If there is any questions, please let me know. So, I hope to meet you all in the first meeting of IC! More information: Marko Kass,

Vision conference on Estonian nature conservation "National Parks – Pioneers of Nature Conservation"

June 1-2, 2011 Palmse Manor conference centre in Lahemaa National Park, Estonia. Conference is organized by Environmental Board and Eesti Maaülikool, Estonian University of Life Sciences.   

Lectures at Conference Centre Athena

Doctoral School of Earth sciences and Ecology offers you the opportunity to particpate in the following presentations at Conference Centre Athena (Tartu, Küütri 1) in the framework of the conference "Thermadapt Science meeting: Evolutionary and plastic responses of animal growth to different temperatures: adaptations and constraints". 

Students conquer Tartu

Tartu Student Days is a festival for all the students – national and international. It’s a festival filled with positive energy, optimism and of course culture and entertainment – a keeper of the student spirit. The aim is to bring everyone together to (re)discover their inner student. 

SEB Kõrvemaa Kevadjooks winner comes from the EMU

SEB Kõrvemaa Kevadjooks  took  place on Saturday, the 23rd of May 2011 in Kõrvemaa. The event was organized by Spordiürituste Korraldamise Klubi. 

Invitation to a foreign researchers’ hike in Soomaa

The Estonian EURAXESS Network is glad to welcome you to a hike organised for foreign researchers in Soomaa, 20th of May, 9:00 – 17:15.