Estonian Academic Agricultural Society
On October 6 2010 Estonian Academic Agricultural Society will celebrate its 90thbirthday with an annual conference «90 years from the foundation of the Estonian Academic Agricultural Society» in the Old Main Building of the EMU (Kreutzwaldi 64).
Estonian Lake Võrtsjärv was awarded as one of the top destinations of European water tourism
Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 28.09.2010.
The South Estonian Lake Võrtsjärv was awarded as one of the top destinations of European water tourism 2010 at the award ceremony in Brussels, LETA/National Broadcasting reports.
3D reconstruction by serial sectioning of histological samples
Prof. Rustem Uzbekov from the Laboratory of Cell Biology (Electron Microscopy), University of Tours, France will be teaching this technique 24-26th November 2010. It is a doctoral course funded by our Graduate School of Biomedicine and Biotechnology. Though a doctoral course interested specialists can also be accepted.
Deadline for application is 1st November 2010.
For more information see the course website
On September 20-23 NORDNATUR network holds its meeting at EMU. NORDNATUR is a network of institutions of higher education from Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. It is supported by NORDPLUS and offers scholarships for student- and staff exchange in the field of natural resource management.
Information Day on MAST program
MAST is an international exchange program that combines a practical, hands-on, educational experience in agriculture with a classroom experience through the University of Minnesota. MAST International offers Training and Internship Programs in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry and Fishing. Both types of programs are designed to enhance the skills and expertise of exchange visitors.
On Monday September 13 MAST International Coordinator David Pratt will visit Eesti Maaülikool and have a meeting with interested students at 15.00.
BOVA Rector's welcome speech
Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity,
and is the torch which illuminates the world.”
/Louis Pasteur/
Tartu, August 24, 2010
Professor emeritus Joachim Thomas holds lectures at EMU
On September 6. - 8. 2010 Professor emeritus Joachim Thomas from Germany will hold lectures at Eesti Maaülikool. In addition to giving lectures at the University Joachim Thomas has worked at the Ministry of the Environment and Conservation, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.
The Estonian Science Popularization Award of 2010
The Prize for Popularisation of Estonian Science is an award granted by way of competition jointly by the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Archimedes Foundation and the Ministry of Education and Research.
Central Baltic INTERREG IV A Programme 2007-2013 Showcase Conference in Riga, Latvia
On Wednesday, September 29, 2010, the Central Baltic INTERREG IV A Programme 2007-2013 will arrange its second annual Showcase Conference in Riga, Latvia. The conference is a platform to show the achievements of the programme so far, see how the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region is developing and to discuss what may come after the year 2013.
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