Country specific requirements
Country Specific Requirements
In Estonia, a course grade less than 50% from the maximum grade is considered to be a „Fail“. Negative results do not grant access to university level studies in Estonia. Therefore secondary school transcripts with more than 10% negative results (under 50% from the maximum grade) are not accepted. In order to qualify for the Master's level studies at the Estonian University of Life Sciences, an applicant has to have at least 60% of the highest possible CGPA (cumulative grade point average) during his/her last studies.
Below you can find the requirements for educational documents and also requirements for specific countries are explained. Please consult the requirements for the country where you graduated before submitting your application.
If your country is not included on our list below then there are no special requirements for submitting your documents. In this case, please follow the general guidelines for international applicants which you can find in the step-by-step application guide.
The required documents should be sent to the following address: Estonian University of Life Sciences, Department of Academic Affairs, Fr.R.Kreutzwaldi 1, Tartu 51006, ESTONIA.
Information about our English language requirements you can find here.
General requirements for educational documents
Original documents or copies
You are required to submit (upload to your DreamApply application and also send by post) certified hard copies of the original documents (unless instructed otherwise in your country-specific requirements below). As certified documents/copies we consider document copies that are 1) certified by the authorities of the issuing institution (school, university, exam centre etc) bearing their original signature, stamp etc, or 2) certified by a notary as true copies of the originals. Simple copies are never accepted. NB! For some countries special certification requirements may apply, therefore be sure to also check our country-specific requirements below.
Please note that the Estonian University of Life Sciences does not return documents sent to the university during the application process nor issue certified copies of the submitted documents.
Documents in the original language and/or in English
Educational documents that you are submitting with your online application have to be both in the original language and in English, translation certified. As certified translations we consider 1) official translations made by the issuing institution (school, university, exam centre etc) bearing their original signature, stamp etc, or 2) translations certified by a sworn translator or notary.
Also, in the first case, if your institution issues official documents in English, then these will suffice and documents in the original language are not needed.
If you will not have your final graduation documents by the application deadline
Applicants for programme "Veterinary Medicine", who are graduating in the upcoming spring/summer and having their graduation documents issued later than the application deadline, should electronically submit their most recent grade sheet or transcript with results for all higher secondary school years (including grades/results for the last autumn semester) by the application deadline. The grade sheet or transcript should be supplemented by an official statement from the issuing school or university indicating current enrollment and expected graduation date. Admitted candidates are required to post the certified copies of their graduation documents as soon as these have been issued. NB! Please note that certified copies and translations (if applicable) of your final official graduation documents must reach us by the July 15 at the latest.
Applicants for master's level programmes, who are graduating in the upcoming spring/summer, can apply on condition that they will submit their most recent official transcript (including grades/results for the last autumn semester) by the application deadline and in the case they get admitted, their final official graduation documents must reach us by the July 15 at the latest.
In the case you cannot send us a copy of your final graduation documents by the July 15 at the latest, then we encourage you to apply next year, once you have received all required graduation documents.
Evaluation of your previous qualification
For the evaluation of applicants' education documents (qualifications) our university works in close cooperation with the Estonian ENIC/NARIC Centre. The Estonian University of Life Sciences sends your educational documents to the Estonian ENIC/NARIC Centre for evaluation. The Centre evaluates the suitability of candidate's previous qualifications or access to higher education in Estonia. NB! Applicants themselves do not have to send the documents to the Estonian ENIC/NARIC Centre, this is done by our university. Please note that the admission decision received from the Estonian University of Life Sciences is valid only after a positive evaluation decision is received from the ENIC/NARIC Centre. In the case of negative evaluation decision the Estonian University of Life Sciences is obliged to withdraw the study place offer and/or cancel the enrollment. The Estonian University of Life Sciences is not liable for possible material or non-material damage arising from the revocation of an admission decision.