EMU username grants you the access to:
Prerequisites for getting the University username:
- students must be on the OIS;
- paying students must have paid their tuition fee.
To get the username you have to take along your passport and go to the Student Union. If you already have your Estonian ID-card, you can create the username yourself at http://konto.emu.ee.
If you have forgotten the password or want to change it, turn also to the student Union. If you already have your Estonian ID-card, you can create the username yourself at http://konto.emu.ee.
It is forbidden to pass on the password to third persons.
E-mail services for the EMU student
The e-mail address is usually in the form firstname.familyname@student.emu.ee
The main parameters of the service are as follows:
More information on EMÜ IT Systems and manuals can be found at it.emu.ee