Piima progesteroonisisalduse kvantitatiivne analüüs ja nõustamine


Rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud meetod ja kuldstandard.


Progesteroon, piim, ensüümimmunoloogiline analüüs (EIA), lehm, sigivus, lehmade sigivuse majandamine


  1. Ülikoolid, uurimisasutused
  2. Piimaveiste kasvatajad ja firmad


  1. Lehmade sigimisfunktsiooni uurimine.
  2. Lehmade sigimise majandamine (mittetiinete lehmade varane avastamine, poegimisjärgselt innatsüklite taastumise kindlakstegemine, munasarjade funktsioonihäirete diagnostika, füsioloogiliselt valel ajal tehtud seemenduste osatähtsuse kindlakstegemine, inna avastamise efektiivsuse kindlakstegemine).


Anname nõu tulemuste interpreteerimisel ning kuidas piima progesteroonisisalduse määramise abil saab välja selgitada lehmade suboptimaalse sigimisrütmi põhjuseid ja kuidas lehmade sigivust paremini majandada.

Analüüsimeetodi kirjeldus

            Piima progesteroonisisaldust analüüsitakse monoklonaalsel antikehal põhineva kvantitatiivse ensüümimmunoloogilise (EIA) meetodiga. Analüüsis kasutatav progesteroonispetsiifiline monoklonaalne antikeha on spetsiaalselt valitud progesteroonisisalduse määramiseks lehma piimast (Waldmann, 1999). Progesteroonispetsiifilise monoklonaalse antikeha kasutamine kindlustab nimetatud meetodi kõrge tundlikkuse, spetsiifilisuse ja usaldusväärsuse. Võrreldes piima progesteroonisisalduse teiste määramismeetoditega, ei sõltu nimetatud meetodi tulemused piima rasvasisaldusest, võimaldades analüüsida erineva rasvasisaldusega proove ja saada täpsemaid tulemusi. Meetod on rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud kuldstandard ning seda on kasutatud piimalehmade, lihaveiste ja seebulehmade  sigimisfunktsiooni uurimiseks Eestis, Norras, USA-s ja Tansaanias.


Viited ja eelretsenseeritud rahvusvahelised teaduspublikatsioonid, kus piima progesteroonisisalduse määramiseeks on kasutatud antud EIA meetodit

  1. Munthe-Kaas, M., Sveberg, G., Holmøy, I.H., Kommisrud, E., Haadem, C.S. and Martin, A.D. (2023). Pilot study investigating estrus length and estrus behavior in Norwegian Red cattle on a commercial dairy farm. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 10:1219001. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2023.1219001
  2. Diaz-Lundahl, S., Foyn Nørstebø, S., Klem, T.B., Gilfillan, G.D., Dalland, .M, Gillund, P., Krogenæs, A. (2023). The microbiota of uterine biopsies, cytobrush and vaginal swabs at artificial insemination in Norwegian red cows, Theriogenology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.theriogenology.2023.06.024.
  3. Valdmann, M.; Kurykin, J.; Waldmann, A. (2022). Individual and combined effects of diseases and cytological endometritis on reproductive performance and culling of dairy cows: preliminary results. Animals, 12 (21), ARTN 2913. DOI: 10.3390/ani12212913.open Access.
  4. Diaz-Lundahl, S.; Garmo, R. T.; Gillund, P.; Klem, T. B.; Waldmann, A.; Krogenæs, A. K. (2021). Prevalence, risk factors, and effects on fertility of cytological endometritis at the time of insemination in Norwegian Red cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 104 (6). DOI: 10.3168/jds.2020-19211.
  5. Berg, H.F.; Heringstad, B.; Alm-Kristiansen, A.H.; Kvale, V.G.; Dragset, K.I.; Waldmann, A.; Ropstad, E.; Kommisrud, E. (2020). Ovarian follicular response to oestrous synchronisation and induction of ovulation in Norwegian Red cattle. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 62 (1), 16−16. DOI: 10.1186/s13028-020-00514-6.
  6. Silva Silveira, P. A., Butler, W. R., da Silva, T. C., Barros, C. C., Corrêa, M. N., & Schneider, A. (2019). Association of polymorphisms in the IGF-I, GHR and STAT5A genes with serum IGF-I concentration and reproductive performance of Holstein dairy cows. Animal Reproduction Science, 211, 106206. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anireprosci.2019.106206
  7. Valdmann, M.; Kurykin, J.; Kaart, T.; Mällo, G.-K.; Waldmann, A. (2018). Relationships between plasma insulin-like growth factor-1 and insulin concentrations in multiparous dairy cows with cytological endometritis. Veterinary Record, 183 (4).10.1136/vr.104640.
  8. Waldmann, A.; Raud, A. (2016). Comparison of a lateral flow milk progesterone test with enzyme immunoassay as an aid for reproductive status determination in cows. Veterinary Record, 178:260 doi:10.1136/vr.103605.
  9. Dobson H. (2016). Measuring progesterone from the milk line. Veterinary Record. 178:258-9. doi: 10.1136/vr.i1453.
  10. Sveberg, G.; Rogers, G.W.; Cooper, J.; Refsdal, A.O.; Erhard, H.W.; Kommisrud, E.; Buckley, F.; Waldmann, A.; Ropstad, E. (2015). Comparison of Holstein-Friesian and Norwegian Red dairy cattle for estrus length and estrous signs. Journal of Dairy Science, 98 (4), 2450−2461.
  11. Martin, A.D.; Afseth, N.K.; Kohler, A.; Randby, Å.; Eknæs, M., Waldmann, A.; Dørum, G.; Måge, I; Reksen, O. (2015). The relationship between fatty acid profiles in milk identified by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and onset of luteal activity in Norwegian dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science, 98 (8), 5374−5384.
  12. Waldmann, A.; Raud, A. (2015). Lateral flow milk progesterone test - comparisons with EIA for confirmation of oestrus and nonpregnancy diagnosis in cows.  In: Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 50: 19th Annual Conference of the European-Society-for-Domestic-Animal-Reproduction (ESDAR), Albena, Bulgaria, 17-19 Sept 2015. Wiley-Blackwell, 82−82. (Supplement 3).
  13. Kiiver, H.; Kommisrud, E.; Soidra, K.; Waldmann, A. (2015). Effects of milk progesterone and activity level on pregnancy rate in dairy cows using the Ovsynch protocol.  In: Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 50: 19th Annual Conference of the European-Society-for-Domestic-Animal-Reproduction (ESDAR), Albena, Bulgaria, 17-19 Sept 2015. Wiley-Blackwell, 41−41. (Supplement: 3). 5.1.
  14. Schneider A, Corrêa MN, Butler WR. Association between growth hormone receptor AluI polymorphism and fertility of Holstein cows. Theriogenology. 2013 Dec;80(9):1061-6.
  15. Sveberg, G., Refsdal, A.O., Erhard, H.W., Kommisrud, E., Aldrin, M., Tvete, I.F., Buckley, F., Waldmann, A., Ropstad, E., 2013, Sexually active groups in cattle—A novel estrus sign. J. Dairy Sci.
  16. Valdmann, M.; Kurykin, J.; Mällo, G.-K.; Waldmann, A. (2011). Associations of cytological endometritis with ovarian function in dairy cows. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 46(s3), 157 - 157.
  17. Sveberg, G.; Refsdal, A.O.; Erhard, H.W.; Kommisrud, E.; Aldrin, M.; Tvete, I.F.; Buckley, F.; Waldmann, A.; Ropstad, E. 2011. Behavior of Lactating Holstein Friesian Cows during Spontaneous Cycles of Estrus. Journal of Dairy Science, 94(3), 1289-1301.
  18. Jeremejeva, J.; Orro, T.; Waldmann, A.; Lindjärv, R.; Kask, K. 2010. Effect of two different treatments on the clinical signs and inflammatory parameters in case of experimentally induced acute puerperal metritis in dairy cows. Veterinarija ir zootechnika, 52 (74), 49-58.
  19. Martin, A.D.; Lystad, M.L.; Reksen, O.; Ropstad, E.; Waldmann, A.; Nafstad, O.; Karlberg, K. (2010). Assessment of progesterone profiles and postpartum onset of luteal activity in spring calving Hereford beef suckler cattle. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 52(42), 1 - 8.
  20. Garmo, R. T.; Martin, A.D.; Thuen, E.; Havrevoll, Ø.; Steinshamn, H.; Prestløkken, E; Randby, Å.; Eknæs, M; Waldmann, A.; Reksen, O. (2009). Characterization of progesterone profiles in fall-calving Norwegian Red cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 92(10), 4919 - 4928.
  21. Kalmus, P.; Orro, T.; Waldmann, A.; Lindjärv, R.; Kask, K. (2009). Effect of yeast culture on milk production and metabolic and reproductive performance of early lactation dairy cows. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 51, 32
  22. Garmo, R. T.; Ropstad, E.; Havrevoll, Ø.; Thuen, E.; Steinshamn, H.; Waldmann, A.; Reksen, O. (2009). Commencement of luteal activity in three different selection lines for milk yield and fertility in Norwegian Red cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 92(5), 2159 - 2165.
  23. Mällo, G.K.; Kaart, T.; Sveberg, G.; Reksen, O.; Ropstad, E.; Waldmann, A. (2009). Analysis of insemination results compared to activity alarms and progesterone measurements in dairy cows. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 44(s3), 115.
  24. Garmo, R.T.; Refsdal, A.O.; Karlberg, K.; Ropstad, E.; Waldmann, A.; Beckers, J.F.; Reksen, O. (2008). Pregnancy incidence in Norwegian Red cows using nonreturn to estrus, rectal palpation, pregnancy-associated glycoproteins, and progesterone. Journal of Dairy Science, 91(8), 3025 - 3033.
  25. Samarütel, J.; Ling, K.; Waldmann, A.; Jaakson, H.; Kaart, T.; Leesmäe, A. (2008). Field Trial on Progesterone Cycles, Metabolic Profiles, Body Condition Score and their Relation to Fertility in Estonian Holstein Dairy Cows. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 43(4), 457 - 463.
  26. Samarütel, J.; Waldmann, A.; Ling, K.; Jaakson, H.; Kaart, T.; Leesmäe, A.; Kärt, O. (2008). Relationships between luteal activity, fertility, blood metabolites and body condition score in multiparous Estonian Holstein dairy cows under different management. Journal of Dairy Research , 75, 485 - 490.
  27. Matiko, M.K.; Kanuya, N.L.; Waldmann, A.; Ropstad, E.; Reksen, O. (2008). Environmental constraints on post partum ovarian activity in Tanzanian Zebu cows. Theriogenology, 69(7), 896 - 904.
  28. Mällo, G.K.; Kaart, T.; Oherd, P.; Sveberg, G.; Reksen, O.; Ropstad, E.; Waldmann, A. (2008). Oestrous detection in a large commercial dairy herd; a comparison of the effectiveness of radiotelemetric activity with milk progesterone measurements. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 43(s3), 51.
  29. Ling, K.; Waldmann, A.; Samarütel, J.; Jaakson, H.; Kaart, T.; Leesmäe, A. (2007). Field trial on the relation of blood metabolites and body condition score to the recurrence of luteal activity in Estonian Holstein cows. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series a-Physiology Pathology Clinical Medicine, 54(7), 337 - 341.
  30. Martin, A.D.; Karlberg, K.; Ropstad, E.; Reksen, O.; Waldmann, A.; Lystad, M.L. (2007). The Reproductive Performance of Hereford Cattle Using Milk Progesterone Analysis. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 42(s2), 116 - 116.
  31. Waldmann, A., Kurykin, J., Jaakma, Ü. Kaart, T., Jalakas, M., Aidnik, M., Majas, L., Padrik, P. 2006. The effects of ovarian function on estrus synchronization with PGF in dairy cows. Theriogenology 66, 1364-1374.
  32. Kanuya N.L., Matiko M.K., Kessy B.M., Mgongo F.O., Ropstad E., and Reksen O. 2006. A study on reproductive performance and related factors of zebu cows in pastoral herds in a semi-arid area of Tanzania. Theriogenology 65, 1859-74.
  33. Reksen O., Havrevoll, Ø., Gröhn Y.T., Bolstad T., Waldmann, A., Ropstad E. 2002. Relationships among body condition score, milk constituents, and postpartum luteal function in Norwegian dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 85, 1406-15.
  34. Reksen O., Gröhn Y.T., Havrevoll, Ø., Bolstad T., Waldmann, A., Ropstad E. 2002. Relationships among progesterone, concentrate allocation, energy balance, milk yield and conception rate in Norwegian cattle. Anim Reprod Sci. 73, 169-184.
  35. Reksen O., Gröhn Y.T., Havrevoll, Ø., Bolstad T., Waldmann, A., Ropstad E. 2001. Influence of concentrate allocation and energy balance and post partum ovarian activity in Norwegian Cattle. J Dairy Sci. 84, 1060-1068.
  36. Waldmann A., Reksen, O., Landsverk K., Kommisrud, E., Dahl E., Refsdal, A.O., Ropstad  E. 2001. Progesterone concentrations in milk fat at first insemination-effects on non-return and repeat-breeding. Anim Reprod Sci. 65, 33 - 41.
  37. Waldmann A., Ropstad E., Landsverk K., Sørensen K., Sølverød L., Dahl E. 1999. Level and distribution of progesterone in bovine milk in relation to the storage in the mammary gland. Anim Reprod Sci. 56, 79-91.
  38. Waldmann A. 1999. Monoclonal antibodies to progesterone: characterization and selection for enzyme immunoassay (EIA) in bovine milk. Hybridoma 18, 289-296.


Täiendav informatsioon:

Andres Valdmann

Endokrinoloogia professor

Telefon: +372 731 3484; +372 55599081

E-mail: andres.valdmann@emu.ee

Sigimisbioloogia osakond

Eesti Maaülikool