Rohelise ülikooli nädala konverents


Reedel, 15. märtsil toimub konverents “Let’s innovate (sustainably) together: Collaboration for Circular Bioeconomy Solutions” (“Areneme (jätkusuutlikult) koos: koostöö paremateks lahendusteks ringmajanduses”). Konverents toimub inglise keeles. Rohelise ülikooli konverents toimub Bioeconomy Changemakers Festival 2024 satelliit üritusena Tartus Eestis. Loe festivali kohta rohkem siit.

Festivali kui ka Maaülikooli eesmärk on tõsta ringbiomajanduse alast teadlikkust ühiskonnas, viia läbi demoüritusi, tutvustada kohalikke edulugusid ja seeläbi tugevdada piirkondlikku jätkusuutliku ressursikasutusega seotud tegevusi. Eestist lööb sel festivalil kaasa ainult maaülikool rohelise ülikooli ja Biomajanduse arenduskeskuse tegevuste kaudu.


Conference: “Let’s innovate (sustainably) together: Collaboration for Circular Bioeconomy Solutions”

March 15, 2024

Main building of Estonian University of Life Sciences (Fr. R. Kreutzwaldi 1a)


Moderator Evelin Loit-Harro, Professor of Sustainable Agriculture

9.00-9.30 Registration and coffee

9.30-9.40 Opening of the conference

     Ülle Jaakma, Rector of the Estonian University of Life Sciences


9.40-10.00 Importance and possibilities of plant-based by-products’ valorisation – Reelika Rätsep, Researcher of Sustainable Food Production

10.00-10.20 Industrial innovation in practice – Fibes – Sulev Nõmmann, CEO of KODAS

10.20-11.00 Food waste management through the eyes of EMU foreign students


“Sustainable Campus”

11.00-11.20 Campus biodiversity “To mow or not to mow?”– Marika Kose, Senior Lecturer of Nature Tourism

11.20-11.40 Campus carbon “Where it comes and what we know about it?” – Sirli Pehme, Senior Specialist of Sustainability and Environmental Footprint

11.40-12.00 Campus as a student´s home “Growing green minds and communities”

Roland Aik Kask, CEO of Rohemu Campus


12.00-13.00 LUNCH


13.00-13.20 Wood - to be or not to be burnt, that is the question – Sharib Khan, Junior Researcher in the group of biomass valorisation and biorefining

13.20-13.40 Wood valorisation – Fibenol case study – Gert Preegel, Lignin and MCC sales engineer at Fibenol

13.40-14.00 Biorefining: The Key to Valorizing Biomass – Angela Vaasa, Principal Researcher of the Biorefining Unit at Metrosert


14.00-15.20 Panel discussion – Next step: implementation?

Sulev Nõmmann - CEO of KODAS

Mait Kriipsalu - Professor of Water Protection and Waste Management, EMÜ

Timo Kikas - Professor of Biosystems Engineering, EMÜ

Sigrid Rajalo - Director of Innovation and Technology Department, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications

Indrek Tulp - Head of Applied Research Division, Metrosert


15.20 Conclusion


Register here!


Contact: Sille Rebanesille.rebane@emu.ee, tel 5611 1702.