Green university initiative


The mission of our university is to foster sustainable use of natural resources through knowledge based education. For the support of that we have created the initiative of green university. It's not so much a separate project or department in our university but rather a common goal and direction.


Our vision is a green university with smallest possible ecological footprint, with healthy and good working and learning environment, university that takes into account the principles of sustainable development in all decision making processes and sets example in society.


Sustainable development is the long-term and harmonious development of social, economic, cultural and natural environment with the goal to ensure to people high life quality and secure and clean living environment now and in the future.


Green university is an initiative involving all students and staff in Eesti Maaülikool. We believe that university should be open to new ideas and focus on new environmentally friendly solutions in our everyday life.


The principles of Green University

Eesti Maaülikool

-          takes into consideration the experiences and research studies of previous generations;

-          is open to new ideas and innovation;

-          in decision-making and developing the University proceeds from the principles of sustainable development;

-          develops and supplements green university indicators for evaluation of its work.

The objectives and directions for action of green university support and contribute to the development plan of Eesti Maaülikool till 2025:

1) designer of knowledge-based Estonia – promote sustainable development through research and development activities;

2) recognised provider of University education – integrate the principles of sustainable development into teaching process and study outcomes;

3) modern compact campus with well-established infrastructure – create a healthy learning, working and recreational environment, considering the principles of reducing the ecological footprint;

4) promoter in society – raise the environmental awareness of the employees and students of the university and the society and enhance collaboration with the society in the course of performing the aims related with sustainable development.


Due to small human resources we don't have much info available in English about green universitiy activities but if you have questions, you are free to contact us.