
International admission begins on February 1

From beginning of February, admission to the international study programmes of the Estonian Universi...

EMÜ landscape architects subscribe to UN sustainable development goals

The International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) has agreed to work towards meeting the 1...

We welcome exchange students from 15 countries in total

This spring semester the Estonian University of Life Sciences hosts 30 new exchange students from 15...

A new book focuses on the opportunities and sustainability challenges in the global dairy sector

Rajeev Bhat recently presented his new book (ed.) focusing on 'Dairy Sector: Opportunities and S...

Rector Ülle Jaakma in her inauguration speech: Estonian University of Life Sciences can be an example in finding sustainable solutions

Rector of Estonian University of Life Sciences, Professor Ülle Jaakma, who took the oath of off...

Rector Ülle Jaakma`s inauguration speech

Honourable President of the Republic of Estonia, Honourable President of the Estonian Academy of Sci...

Genetic diversity, origin, and new hosts of the invasive pathogen Lecanosticta acicola in northern Europe

On January 10 starting at 10:00 doctoral student Marili Vester will be defending her thesi...

Food technology students’ team KESE got second place in NOBALIS Demo Day

Demo Day of NOBALIS project took place on 15th Dec. Demo Day was the final event of NOBALIS Entrepre...