
Error: Disk full (/tmp/#sql_1e4705_0.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device")
Query: SELECT e.*,tt.startDate,tt.endDate, tt.doorsOpen FROM cms_mod_calendar_event e,cms_mod_calendar_event_timetable tt,cms_mod_calendar_group_event ge,cms_mod_calendar_group g WHERE g.id IN ("1","24","34","9","11","32") and (tt.startDate < "2017-11-23 08:30:00" OR (tt.startDate = "2017-11-23 08:30:00" AND e.id<"3007")) and tt.eventID = e.id AND ge.eventID = e.id and ge.groupID = g.id AND (g.siteID="1" OR (g.siteID!="1" AND e.isPrivate="0" AND g.isGlobal="1")) AND g.deleted="0" AND e.deleted ="0" and e.hidden="0" AND e.id != "3007" ORDER BY tt.startDate DESC, e.id DESC limit 1
Location: /data/home/emuweb/www/module/calendar/calendarFull.php:Line 68
Error: Disk full (/tmp/#sql_1e4705_0.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device")
Query: SELECT e.*,tt.startDate,tt.endDate, tt.doorsOpen FROM cms_mod_calendar_event e,cms_mod_calendar_event_timetable tt,cms_mod_calendar_group_event ge,cms_mod_calendar_group g WHERE g.id IN ("1","24","34","9","11","32") and (tt.startDate > "2017-11-23 08:30:00" OR (tt.startDate = "2017-11-23 08:30:00" AND e.id>"3007")) and tt.eventID = e.id AND ge.eventID = e.id and ge.groupID = g.id AND (g.siteID="1" OR (g.siteID!="1" AND e.isPrivate="0" AND g.isGlobal="1")) AND g.deleted="0" AND e.deleted ="0" and e.hidden="0" AND e.id != "3007" ORDER BY tt.startDate ASC, e.id ASC limit 1
Location: /data/home/emuweb/www/module/calendar/calendarFull.php:Line 74

Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituudi doktorantide aastakonverents

Algus kell: 08:30
Lõpp kell: 17:00

EMÜ peahoone aula

Eesti Maaülikooli Põllumajanduse ja keskkonnainstituudi doktorantide aastakonverents toimub ka sellel aastal.
PKI doktorantide aastakonverents 2017 toimub neljapäeval, 23. novembril, Eesti Maaülikooli Peahoone aulas (Kreutzwaldi 1a).

Doktorantide ettekannete pikkuseks on 15 minuti ja lisaks 5 minutit küsimustele vastamiseks. Palume ettenähtud ajalimiidist kinni pidada. Lisaks suulistele ettekannetele on oodatud ka doktorantide stendiettekanded (sobivad ka varem teistel konverentsidel esitatud).

Palume konverentsist osavõtuks ennast registreerida ja ka ettekandest teatada veebivormi vahendusel
Registreerimine suletakse 21. novembril kell 14.00

Konverentsist on ettekannetega osa võtma oodatud kõik PKI magistrandid, doktorandid, teadurid ja õppejõud. 

Lisainfo ja korralduslikud küsimused: Kristel Kirsimäe kristel.kirsimae@emu.ee


Päevakava / Timetable:

8.30-9.00   Registreerimine / Registering

9.00-9.10    Avasõnad / Opening. Aret Vooremäe, PKI direktor

9.10-9.30  Plenaarettekanne / Plenary presentation prof. Kalle Olli

Moderaator/moderator: Maidu Silm

9.30- Mihkel Are- Changes in soil water stable aggregate stability during soil formation process

9.50- Risto Raimets-Synergistic interactions between a variety of insecticides and an EBI fungicide in dietary exposures of bumble bees (Bombus terrestris L.)

10.10- Marilin Mõtlep-Management affects the pollinator abundance but not the reproductive success of sister species Platanthera bifolia and P. chlorantha (Orchidaceae)

10.30- Mariana  Maante-The effect of cultivation technologies on grapes quality parameters

10.50-11.15 KOHVIPAUS

Moderaator/moderator: Risto Raimets

11.15- Maidu Silm- Can we distinguish strontium chloride marked European eels by country from isotope signals?

11.35- Marju Tamm-Chemtax – A powerful tool to study algae

11.55- Nasime Janatian-Sensitivity of lake types and their phytoplankton to environmental disturbance

12.15- Ivar Ojaste - Migration pattern of common cranes breeding in Estonia

12.35-14.00 LÕUNA

Moderaator/moderator: Mihkel Are

14.00- Li Shuai- Glandular trichomes as a barrier against atmospheric oxidative stress

14.20- Chikodinaka Nkechinyere Okereke-Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) induced by abiotic stress in tropical plant (Carica papaya L.,)

14.40- Marika Kose- 20 years of Baltic Boreal Coastal Meadow Restoration – are we getting them back? 

15.00-15.15 KOHVIPAUS

Moderaator/moderator: Marika Kose

15.25- Adrian Rybcynski-Temporal dynamics of the courtyard spaces in historic city core. A case study of Vienna, Austria.

15.45- Oleksander Karasov- Coherence and colour harmony of visual landscapes: modelling and mapping

16.05- Friedrich Kuhlmann- Imagining rural modernism. Case studies in the Baltic states