
Error: Disk full (/tmp/#sql_1e4705_0.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device")
Query: SELECT e.*,tt.startDate,tt.endDate, tt.doorsOpen FROM cms_mod_calendar_event e,cms_mod_calendar_event_timetable tt,cms_mod_calendar_group_event ge,cms_mod_calendar_group g WHERE g.id IN ("1","24","34","9","11","32") and (tt.startDate < "2021-01-29 13:00:00" OR (tt.startDate = "2021-01-29 13:00:00" AND e.id<"3867")) and tt.eventID = e.id AND ge.eventID = e.id and ge.groupID = g.id AND (g.siteID="1" OR (g.siteID!="1" AND e.isPrivate="0" AND g.isGlobal="1")) AND g.deleted="0" AND e.deleted ="0" and e.hidden="0" AND e.id != "3867" ORDER BY tt.startDate DESC, e.id DESC limit 1
Location: /data/home/emuweb/www/module/calendar/calendarFull.php:Line 68
Error: Disk full (/tmp/#sql_1e4705_0.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device")
Query: SELECT e.*,tt.startDate,tt.endDate, tt.doorsOpen FROM cms_mod_calendar_event e,cms_mod_calendar_event_timetable tt,cms_mod_calendar_group_event ge,cms_mod_calendar_group g WHERE g.id IN ("1","24","34","9","11","32") and (tt.startDate > "2021-01-29 13:00:00" OR (tt.startDate = "2021-01-29 13:00:00" AND e.id>"3867")) and tt.eventID = e.id AND ge.eventID = e.id and ge.groupID = g.id AND (g.siteID="1" OR (g.siteID!="1" AND e.isPrivate="0" AND g.isGlobal="1")) AND g.deleted="0" AND e.deleted ="0" and e.hidden="0" AND e.id != "3867" ORDER BY tt.startDate ASC, e.id ASC limit 1
Location: /data/home/emuweb/www/module/calendar/calendarFull.php:Line 74

Avatud seminar "Life is an adventure, landscape is a fairy-tale: a biography of a landscape"

Algus kell: 13:00
Lõpp kell: 14:00


Maastikuarhitektuuri õppejõudude, teadlaste ja doktorantide meeskond alustab igakuiseid avatud seminare maastike piiride uurimise teemadel. Avaloengut juhib Martti Veldi (PhD Leideni ülikool), kelle uurimisobjektiks on Vooremaa maastik. 

Seminar toimub inglise keeles. Üritusega saab liituda SIIN


What exactly is a landscape biography? What does it constitute? In a contemporary study of landscape biographies, the starting points and the limits to the story are explored and tested using a myriad of definitions and approaches. Is a landscape biography just an account of a specific and defined place on the face of this planet Earth, set in a defined period of time or does it have a practical purpose? Is it possible to design the future of our landscapes by a re-telling of the past? These questions are answered through an exploration of Vooremaa, the land of the drumlins, a specific region of Eastern Estonia. This landscape biography weaves together a tale based on archaeology, maps, environmental data, and folk stories. Come with us as we explore the land of the drumlins.

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