Landscape Architecture

Architecture isn't just about designing and constructing buildings. Landscapes - parks, pavements, landscaping and the various interactions between people and nature - need to be designed too. Here in the Master programme of Landscape Architecture you will learn to understand, design and develop such environments. Landscape architecture is both a creative and a technical discipline. This is what we do here.
Is this programme right for you?
Rate on a 5-point scale how applicable the following statements are to you:
I enjoy experiencing different kinds of outdoor spaces.
I am interested in how we can make cities more liveable.
I would like to find ways of combining science with art.
I like to use my creative talents to produce new ideas.
I want to help to make the environment more sustainable.
18-25 points "This curriculum is perfect for you!"
Your values and interests seem to match the objectives of the curriculum to a large extent. Our curriculum offers you the opportunity to deepen your knowledge and skills. Your positive attitude, passion and previous exposure will set you in good stead to study this curriculum and become a future professional. We welcome you to study!
13-17 points "You are well equipped to study the curriculum."
It seems that your interests and values match quite well with the objectives of our curriculum. Studying with us will give you additional knowledge and skills, as well as confidence and a deeper understanding of the subjects that interest you. We encourage you to take this opportunity to grow both personally and professionally. Take this step and start studying!
0-12 points "Not sure if this curriculum is the right choice."
At the moment, it seems that your interests and goals don't quite match the objectives of the curriculum. This doesn't mean that you can't still advance your knowledge and skills in this area, although we encourage you to consider other options that better match your current interests and future plans. Find out more about our other specialisations!
What and how will you learn?
In what areas will you gain in-depth knowledge?
You will learn how to plan and design complex landscape projects in sensitive locations ranging from urban to rural. You will be planning and designing various types of spaces for people - at different scales and in detail. You will soon possess the relevant theories and research evidence providing support for practical landscape design solutions. We also want you to be applying advanced graphical techniques for presenting design works. You will get to know how to prepare and conduct a piece of original research, how to conserve, restore and protect natural and cultural landscapes. You will familiarize yourself with territorial planning and impact assessment of development projects. Finally, you will have knowledge about being a professional and running a business.
What will you learn?
Planning and design of outdoor recreation in sensitive natural environments such as forests, lakes, or wetlands.
Contemporary landscape theories of relevance for the profession.
How to design different types and sizes of urban public spaces, such as parks and squares, from the planning level to detailed design, construction, planting design and after care.
How to maximise the potential of landscapes for human health and wellbeing.
Advanced presentation graphical methods and tools to suit your own style.
Landscape and visual impact assessment of potential development projects.
Research methodology and how to conduct and write up an original piece of research.
Protection and restoration of cultural heritage sites.
Professional practice and entrepreneurship.
> English Master Programme Courses
> Landscape Architecture Booklet link
How will you gain practical experience?
Over half of the teaching and learning takes place in studios where practical planning and design work takes place, either in groups of students or individually, with consultations from different tutors. Studio courses typically last for several weeks as a concentrated block. The project course “Outdoor recreation planning and design” takes an extensive natural environment where there is potential to develop facilities and activities for the benefit of local residents and visitors. This is often a location under management by the state forest management centre (RMK) and we have briefing and feedback from staff working there. The course “Landscape design and construction” uses a real example of a project and develops it from an early stage into a complete project, with critique and feedback from several professionals. The individual master thesis can be another complete design project or a full individual research, depending on the preferences of the individual student and their future direction.
All studio projects are based on real life locations, often the subject of active planning projects of suggested by external organisations. These enable you to work in realistic conditions and to have the benefit of external stakeholders’ views and feedback on your work.
There are many field trips to examine different landscapes and to collect materials for the studio projects. These take place around Estonia, including forests and natural areas and different urban sites. They allow for the theoretical aspects to be demonstrated on site under real conditions and to collect data for use in the projects.
Practical training through internships with private or public offices is a mandatory feature for all students and this helps to ensure that the course teaching can be applied in real situations. Organisation who offers internships provide meaningful training and give feedback to you and the department on how successful the experience was.
There is a computer class with up-to-date versions of all programs you will need, free to use outside formal teaching times.
Get to know the faculty
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Chair professor Dr Simon Bell is the head of the department. He is British and has a long career in teaching, research, and practice. He has written a number of textbooks found in the libraries of many Landscape Architecture schools, including “Elements of Visual Deign in the Landscape” and he was lead editor of “Urban Blue Spaces: Planning and Design for Water, Health and People.” He teaches on several courses and supervises theses. |
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Mana Taheri Talesh, MSc, is Iranian and is the programme coordinator who also teaches on the bachelor thesis course and technogenic landscapes. She is studying how Iranian women use public spaces as her research topic. |
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Joanna Storie, PhD, is British and she coordinates the master theses. She is interested in public participation in rural landscape management. |
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Martti Veldi, PhD, is a landscape archaeologist who teaches on the course of cultural heritage protection and restoration. He is interested in how landscapes tell stories of people over long periods of time. |
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Peeter Vassiljev, MSc, teaches on the landscape design and construction course. He is interested in the use of virtual reality in landscape architecture, and he manages the department’s Virtual Landscape Theatre. |
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Toomas Muru, MSc, teaches planning and has an interest in forest landscape design. |
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Friedrich Kuhlmann, Dipl. Eng, is German and teaches contemporary landscape theory and supervises master design projects. He has an interest in energy landscapes and in the history of collectivisation during the Soviet era. |
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Jekaterina Balicka, MSc, is Latvian and teaches on the outdoor recreation planning and design course. She is interested in how people use various public and also abandoned spaces for health and wellbeing. |
Learning environment
Each of our classrooms has its own studio equipped with large tables for studio working and also computer lab facilities. There is also a kitchen, a social area and a seminar room with a library for students available anytime throughout the day.
EMÜS, the Estonian Landscape Architecture Student Organization is very active and hosts many events and social activities.
Where from here?
Opportunities for further education
The primary opportunity for further education is to enrol in a PhD programme and to pursue your research interests. In your future career as practicing landscape architect, you are also welcome to use the additional training opportunities offered by us.
Opportunities for future work
As graduate able to enter the landscape architect profession, it is possible to find work in private planning or project offices, municipalities, and state organisations in Estonia or abroad.
Admission period is open!
The deadline for online applications and posting the paper documents for non-EU candidates is April 10, 2025; for EU/EEA, Switzerland, Georgian, Ukrainian, UK and Turkish candidates it is May 31.
Programme duration: 2 years
Degree: Master of Science in Engineering
Language: English
Application fee: 100 euros (non-refundable)
Tuition fee: 3800 EUR/year
Financing your studies
The Estonian University of Life Sciences offers 1 scholarship (a tuition fee free study place, no extra money for living and travel included) for the 2024 intake for candidates not from Estonia. Also the Estonian University of Life Sciences offers 2 targeted scholarships for the 2024 intake for candidates from Ukraine (citizens of Ukraine). The scholarships will be awarded to the candidates with the highest amount of admission points and by default, all candidates are considered as applicants to the scholarship. In order to maintain the scholarship during the whole nominal period of studies, the scholarship recipient must comply with the requirements set for full-time study (30 European Credit Transfer System credit points (ECTS) in each semester). If not, the scholarship recipient shall cover his/her cost of tuition, pursuant to the University Council Regulation "Terms and Procedure for Covering the Cost of Tuition in Formal Study", for the remaining study period.
Curriculum Manager:
Mana Taheri Talesh, junior researcher, Chair of Landscape Architecture,
Academic Affairs Specialist:
Lagle Lõhmus, specialist of Academic Affairs,, (+372) 731 3533