Biosystems Engineering 2024
- Üldinfo
- Juhtimine
- Akadeemiline eetika
- Uudised ja sündmused
- Galerii
- Sümboolika ja meened
- Avalik teave
- Roheline ülikool
- SA Joosep Tootsi Fond
- Baltic Agro stipendium
- Eesti Suurpõllumeeste Klubi stipendium
- Raefondi preemia ja stipendium
- Vilistlaskogu stipendium
- Noore loomaarsti-loomakasvataja fond
- Jõudluskontrolli stipendium
- Eesti Geodeetide Ühingu stipendium
- Tallinna Vesi ALUSTAJA stipendium
- Tallinna Vesi EDASIPÜRGIJA stipendium
- Ukraina stipendiumifond
- Reginett stipendium
- Soutwestern Advantage stipendium
- EMÜ Ukraina stipendium
- Eesti Veevarustuse ja Kanalisatsiooni Inseneride Seltsi stipendium
- Videoarhiiv
- EMÜ videod Youtube'i keskkonnas
Conference Biosystems Engineering 2024
The Biosystems Engineering conference is organised by Estonian University of Life Sciences. Please do not forget to pay your registration fee to confirm your participation at the conference.
Registration Fee
Authors and Participants 450 €
Students 400 €
NB! Please check names and account info carefully when you transfer the fees through IBAN. If there is an incorrect info (even a letter in a name), the Bank holds money and does not transfer it to our account.
- During registration please mention the Reference Code of your paper and full name of the person presenting the paper.
- If you have more than one author participating at the conference, the fee is per person and all names should be mentioned in the bank transfer.
- If one author is presenting more than one paper, the fee is per paper and all registration codes should be mentioned in the bank transfer.
- At least one author of each selected work must register and attend the BSE 2024 to present the paper.
- All bank charges are the responsibility of the participant and should be paid in addition to the registration fees.
- Registration fee does not cover transportation, visa, and insurance.
Registration Fee Includes:
- attendance of one participant to presentation and poster sessions
- publishing one full paper in the Agronomy Research (if accepted)
- a hard copy of the Agronomy Research
- Book of Abstracts in electronic format that will be published on Conference website after the presentations have taken place
- Conference Programme