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15. märtsil toimub konverents “Let’s innovate (sustainably) together: Collaboration for Circular Bioeconomy Solutions” (“Areneme (jätkusuutlikult) koos: koostöö paremateks lahendusteks ringmajanduses”). Konverents toimub inglise keeles.


Conference: “Let’s innovate (sustainably) together: Collaboration for Circular Bioeconomy Solutions”

March 15, 2024

Main building of Estonian University of Life Sciences (Fr. R. Kreutzwaldi 1a)


Moderator Evelin Loit-Harro, Professor of Sustainable Agriculture

9.00-9.30 Registration and coffee

9.30-9.40 Opening of the conference

     Ülle Jaakma, Rector of the Estonian University of Life Sciences



9.40-10.00 Importance and possibilities of plant-based by-products’ valorisation – Reelika Rätsep, Researcher of Sustainable Food Production

10.00-10.20 Industrial innovation in practice – Fibes – Sulev Nõmmann, CEO of KODAS

10.20-11.00 Food waste management through the eyes of EMU foreign students


“Sustainable Campus”

11.00-11.20 Campus biodiversity “To mow or not to mow?”– Marika Kose, Senior Lecturer of Nature Tourism

11.20-11.40 Campus carbon “Where it comes and what we know about it?” – Sirli Pehme, Senior Specialist of Sustainability and Environmental Footprint

11.40-12.00 Campus as a student´s home “Growing green minds and communities” – Roland Aik Kask, CEO of Rohemu Campus


12.00-13.00 LUNCH



13.00-13.20 Wood - to be or not to be burnt, that is the question – Sharib Khan, Junior Researcher in the group of biomass valorisation and biorefining

13.20-13.40 Wood valorisation – Fibenol case study – Gert Preegel, Lignin and MCC sales engineer at Fibenol

13.40-14.00 Presentation from the representative of the research-intensive business


14.00-15.20 Panel discussion – Next step: implementation?

Sulev Nõmmann - CEO of KODAS

Mait Kriipsalu - Professor of Water Protection and Waste Management, EMÜ

Timo Kikas - Professor of Biosystems Engineering, EMÜ

Sigrid Rajalo - Director of Innovation and Technology Department, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications

Indrek Tulp - Head of Applied Research Division, Metrosert


15.20 Conclusion


Contact: Sille, tel 5611 1702.